What is BrainPro?

Help Struggling Students Catch Up with the BrainPro Program

The BrainPro program effectively helps correct reading problems by strengthening and training the brain, which develops your child's cognitive skills in a fun and engaging way. This program utilizes exercises from the Fast ForWord family of products, which has been used successfully with a variety of learners for over 12 years.

What's more, a trained BrainPro Tutor will monitor your child's progress along with you. Over the course of four months, you'll receive weekly emails or phone calls from your BrainPro Tutor who will offer recommendations for greater success on specific exercises. Minimize your child's frustration and maximize his full learning potential. Watch his self-esteem skyrocket!

How the BrainPro Program Works

Once you select the BrainPro program for your child, you’ll be asked to choose a BrainPro Tutor who will help your child get the most from the program by:

  • Assigning your child to the correct product
  • Monitoring progress remotely and advancing him when he’s ready
  • Working with you to answer questions and suggest ways to improve
BrainPro tutors

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Ready to give the BrainPro Program to your child?
Please contact a specialist at:
1-866-331-6579 We are available Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM MST to 5:00 PM MST.
BrainPro services are available in the US and Canada only.

Rather have us do the dialing? Have us call you

Does Your Child Have a Diagnosed Learning Issue?

The BrainPro program is not appropriate for learners currently requiring speech or language therapy or with a history of speech and language delays or therapy, significant medical problems, or diagnosed learning, behavioral, or emotional disorders. If your child has any of these issues, please refer to the Scientific Learning website for information about Fast ForWord Providers.

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