Is This Your Child?

Research shows that certain mental exercises can improve the cognitive processes behind many learning issues. Our program was designed with this discovery in mind.

Auditory Processing Disorder

Auditory processing disorder symptoms include difficulty following directions, inattentiveness, and learning or reading difficulties. Fast ForWord software targets these areas directly with exercises that address processing speed and accuracy, memory and sustained attention -- and then reading skills as needed.

Reading Difficulties

Slow or labored reading? Poor reading comprehension? Reading resistance? Fast ForWord targets the underlying causes of reading difficulty, and then fills in individual reading skill gaps.

For younger readers our goal is a strong foundation, working up to fluent reading. For older students and adults, we build reading speed and comprehension along with metacognition, the ability to understand and think critically while reading.


Almost all dyslexia is caused by an underlying language, memory or processing difficulty. Our primary program, Fast ForWord, used by learning professionals worldwide, works directly on these cognitive skill.

Homework Frustration/Disappointing Grades

Slow or inaccurate reading and other learning inefficiencies can lead directly to long and laborious homework sessions and/or disappointing grades. Our learning programs build the processing, focus and working memory skills required for learning efficiency and independence.

Autism or Asperger Syndrome

The Fast ForWord program has been used widely as an intervention to help children with autism. Its adaptive technology allows students to progress at their own pace with the intensity required to rewire learning.

Attention Deficits

Many focus issues are caused by inefficient processing that is at best, exhausting, and at worst, an impediment to accurate listening and reading. Our programs build processing skills to improve attention.

Language Difficulties or Delays

If your child is five years of age or older and has weak receptive (listening) or expressive (vocabulary, speech language structure, articulation) skills, Fast ForWord can help. It is important to address the underlying causes of language difficulties early, as weaknesses in language almost always carry over into reading problems later.

Executive Function

Executive function is a higher level thinking and planning skill that is often delayed in students with processing deficits. Our program helps automate fundamental processing and memory skills, to free up capacity for higher level skill development. It also exercises the sequencing, working memory and processing skills integral to executive functioning.

Learning Disabilities

Sometimes the difficulties are more generalized and harder to determine. A learning disability may be considered significant, but it can also be described as a gap, a difference in achievement in one area of academics versus another. Depending on your child's profile, we may be able to help or offer alternatives.

Ready to get started?

Contact us at 1-888-750-0116, or email [email protected]. Or fill out our contact form and we’ll contact you.



Products for Educators

If you're interested in using our innovative learning programs in your classroom, visit our company site, Scientific Learning, to learn about products for educators.

What is the Fast ForWord family of products?

The Fast ForWord® family of products (a total of ten different products) develops brain processing efficiency through intensive, adaptive exercises. Fast ForWord products offer tested, real-world results for parents, educators, and specialists around the globe.

The Fast ForWord products develop and strengthen sequencing, processing rate, attention, recall, and knowledge—the cognitive skills essential for learning and reading success, similar to the BrainSpark products. However, the Fast ForWord products cover a wider range of skills to improve additional critical language and reading skills such as phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, decoding, working memory, syntax, grammar, and other skills necessary to learn how to read or to become a better reader.

How are reward points awarded?

100 reward points are awarded for each percent complete on a product. Your child can earn up to 10,000 total reward points. You can keep track of your child's percent complete with the Weekly Achievement Report.

Reward points continue to accrue when a child switches products.