What is brain fitness?

Brain fitness relates to the brain’s ability to capture, process and retain information efficiently and effectively.  Processing efficiency is how the brain functions to support learning and intellectual activity.

What are the benefits of brain fitness?

When the brain’s processing skills become more efficient, substantial and quick gains in reading skills are often the outcomes. Our products use patented technologies that leverage the science of brain plasticity. By exercising processing skills through intensive, adaptive activity, actual physical changes occur in the brain. And those physical changes result in enduring gains in language and reading skills.


See It In Action

Good students can realize their full potential with BrainSpark Learning. It's so easy to use she can get started right away!.


BrainSpark is Brain Fitness

BrainSpark is a family of interactive learning programs designed to maximize your child's learning potential by building the cognitive skills critical to improving brain fitness: Sequencing, Processing rate, Attention, Recall and memory, and Knowledge. These components produce the 'spark' in our programs - and your child's brain!


The BrainSpark Difference

After completing BrainSpark Learning, participants are prepared to listen, think, learn to read or become better readers and can have the ability to follow directions and take tests better. You may notice:

  • Improved Self-esteem, including participation in classroom and group activities as well as enthusiasm about school.
  • Better Listening and Understanding, including response time to questions, ability to follow the flow of conversation, and humor comprehension.
  • Clear Communication, including pronunciation, participation in conversation, vocabulary, spontaneity, and ability to stay on topic.
  • Enhanced Reading Skills, including recollection of details and event sequence, ability to understand complex sentences, and confidence when reading aloud.
  • Academic Achievement, including sounding out new words and spelling as well as attention span, writing, and math.
  • Stronger Memory, including better retention and recall of phone numbers, event sequences, and details.