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  • BrainSpark Learning Ages 5-9
    Price $200 Quantity

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How will my child benefit from using BrainSpark Learning products?

Your child may be performing well academically, but he’ll need to practice those skills to keep from getting rusty – especially when school’s out over the summer. While he’s playing on the computer anyway, get in some ‘stealth learning’ with BrainSpark Learning and help your child thrive in the classroom.

How much does BrainSpark Learning cost?

Each BrainSpark Learning product license is $200 for up to four months of access from time of purchase, for one child.

  • Exercises

    Each day when your child logs in to play BrainSpark Learning Ages 5 - 9, some exercises will be "lit up" on the menu. Your child should play those exercises all the way through, which will take about 30 minutes.

    We recommend that your child use the exercises for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week, for 12 - 16 weeks or until the product has been completed.

    Your purchase of BrainSpark Learning Ages 5 - 9 allows online access to the following exercises for up to four months:

  • Sky Gym
    Sky Gym

    Help Gymbo the athlete train and generate power for the gym by correctly identifying a sequence of two sound sweeps, with help from Cogger the dog.

    Sky Gym Skills:

    Listening accuracy enhances your child’s ability to attend and respond to directions and class discussions; more easily remember questions, directions, and information; and more easily learn to read and enjoy reading.

    Auditory sequencing helps your child comprehend and absorb information and develop a love of reading.

  • Moon Ranch
    Moon Ranch

    Help Granny move animals to the pasture by clicking when you hear a repeated syllable change to a new syllable.

    Moon Ranch Skills:

    Sustained attention allows your child to apply all of his cognitive resources to a particular task, and to concentrate long enough to complete the task and give it his best performance.

    Phonological memory helps your child develop phonemic awareness, build knowledge of vocabulary and sentence structure, and follow directions.  

    Phonological fluency helps your child sound out words quickly and efficiently, enabling him to focus his cognitive resources on reading comprehension, thereby helping him to “get” what he is reading.

  • Hoop Nut
    Hoop Nut

    Fill the tree ship with acorns and blast it into orbit around the planet by correctly identifying which Astro-Nut is saying the same syllable as the tree launcher.

    Hoop Nut Skills:

    Phonological accuracy helps build knowledge of vocabulary and sentence structure, follow directions, and attend to class discussions, stories, and presentations – making school a much more engaging experience.

    Phonological memory helps your child develop phonemic awareness, build knowledge of vocabulary and sentence structure, and follow directions.  

    Phonological fluency helps your child sound out words quickly and efficiently, enabling him to focus his cognitive resources on reading comprehension, thereby helping him to “get” what he is reading.

  • Whalien Match
    Whalien Match

    Rescue the whaliens by matching syllables or words into pairs, using the fewest clicks.

    Whalien Match Skills:

    Auditory word recognition helps your child to more easily attend and respond to directions and class discussions; more easily remember questions, directions, and information; and more easily learn to read or become a better reader.

    Phonological memory helps your child develop phonemic awareness, build knowledge of vocabulary and sentence structure, and follow directions.  

    Phonological accuracy helps build knowledge of vocabulary and sentence structure, follow directions, and attend to class discussions, stories, and presentations – making school a much more engaging experience.

    Phonological fluency helps your child sound out words quickly and efficiently, enabling him to focus his cognitive resources on reading comprehension, thereby helping him to “get” what he is reading.

  • Robo-Dog

    Feed Goldie the Robo-Dog her biscuits by clicking the picture that represents the word you heard. See if you can earn the special gold bones!

    Robo-Dog Skills:

    Auditory word recognition helps your child to more easily attend and respond to directions and class discussions; more easily remember questions, directions, and information; and more easily learn to read or become a better reader.

    Phonological accuracy helps build knowledge of vocabulary and sentence structure, follow directions, and attend to class discussions, stories, and presentations – making school a much more engaging experience.

    Phonological fluency helps your child sound out words quickly and efficiently, enabling him to focus his cognitive resources on reading comprehension, thereby helping him to “get” what he is reading.

    Building vocabulary knowledge exercises the skills necessary for learning new words and concepts.

  • Ele-Bot

    Ella the electro-bot loves peanuts. Help her get peanuts by identifying the picture that best represents a sentence or answers a question. See if you can get some gold peanuts!

    Ele-Bot Skills:

    English language conventions are the elements of the English language, including proper word order, syntax, vocabulary, prefixes and suffixes, plurals, and subject-verb agreement. A solid understanding of English language conventions helps your child derive more meaning from what he hears in the classroom, and more easily master reading and writing skills.

    Listening accuracy enhances your child’s ability to attend and respond to directions and class discussions; more easily remember questions, directions, and information; and more easily learn to read and enjoy reading.

    Building vocabulary knowledge exercises the skills necessary for learning new words and concepts.

  • Space Commander
    Space Commander

    Help Admiral Bird complete his mission by listening to his instructions and clicking or moving colored shapes on the flight deck.

    Space Commander Skills:

    Following directions is a complex skill your child needs to realize the benefit of an academic curriculum.

    Listening accuracy enhances your child’s ability to attend and respond to directions and class discussions; more easily remember questions, directions, and information; and more easily learn to read and enjoy reading.

    English language conventions are the elements of the English language, including proper word order, syntax, vocabulary, prefixes and suffixes, plurals, and subject-verb agreement.  A solid understanding of English language conventions helps your child derive more meaning from what he hears in the classroom, and more easily master reading and writing skills.