Getting Started with the BrainPro Consulting Service

All of our consultants are highly qualified and trained to provide the individualized professional and technical support you and your child need to be successful with the Fast ForWord products.

Contact a BrainPro Representative at 1-888-750-0116 to begin your subscription

BrainPro Representatives are available Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM MT to 5:00 PM MT. Call today to get your child started.

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have us call you
Have a kick-off call with your child's BrainPro Consultant

In your first meeting with your child's BrainPro Consultant you will discuss your child's learning challenges, set a schedule for your weekly contact with your child's consultant, and learn how to get your child started on the Fast ForWord exercises.

Support your child in using the product 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week.

You can help your child stay on the recommended schedule by providing a dedicated place to use the products daily, free from distractions. Reward your child for effort and consistency, and praise any positive changes you notice in your child. (Many parents notice a variety of improvements in their child-such as better memory, attention/focus, or self-esteem-in as little as two weeks.)

Receive professional support and technical help from your BrainPro Consultant.

You can count on your BrainPro Consultant to provide support and help, whether your child needs tips for approaching a particular Fast ForWord exercise or you have a technical question about accessing the program. Weekly sessions by phone or email ensure that you know how to stay on track.

Is BrainPro Right For Your Child?

The Fast ForWord exercises have been used successfully with students who:

  • Are on grade level, but want an additional boost in their academic or test-taking skills
  • Have a history of reading difficulty, learning disability or struggle, speech and language delay, Auditory Processing Disorder, dyslexia and /or ADHD
  • Are English language learners



Products for Educators

If you're interested in using our innovative learning programs in your classroom, visit our company site, Scientific Learning, to learn about products for educators.

What is the Fast ForWord family of products?

The Fast ForWord® family of products (a total of ten different products) develops brain processing efficiency through intensive, adaptive exercises. Fast ForWord products offer tested, real-world results for parents, educators, and specialists around the globe.

The Fast ForWord products develop and strengthen sequencing, processing rate, attention, recall, and knowledge—the cognitive skills essential for learning and reading success, similar to the BrainSpark products. However, the Fast ForWord products cover a wider range of skills to improve additional critical language and reading skills such as phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, decoding, working memory, syntax, grammar, and other skills necessary to learn how to read or to become a better reader.

How are reward points awarded?

100 reward points are awarded for each percent complete on a product. Your child can earn up to 10,000 total reward points. You can keep track of your child's percent complete with the Weekly Achievement Report.

Reward points continue to accrue when a child switches products.